
My feet hurt

Eryka come rub my feet. They're sore


i have the best girlfriend ever!

Hi, this is Eryka. Dan's girlfriend!! 
all I have to say is 

 He is the best thing to ever happen to me!
I miss him so much, and sure hope to see him soon.





Sometimes I wish I had a coach to help me learn how to do handstands... 26 days and I just might?


Missing you! :)

I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned..
And I have to speculate that God himself did make us into corresponding shapes like puzzle pieces from the clay
True, it may seem like a stretch, but it's thoughts like this that catch my troubled head when you're away when I am missing you to death.

Ah, The Postal Service says it best..

39 Days!!


Pirate iPad.

This sweet girl bought me an iPad and a pirate duck. Shes the greatest! :) Thanks Eryka!



Have you ever had that person or persons, that one or ones you haven't even met and you already despise them? I'm feeling that way towards someone that I have never met, talked to or even cared about at one time or another. When I found out about this person it was just to piss me off instantly. It was just the given situation that just rubbed me the wrong way. I guess it was because I thought I had feelings towards a girl and this guy came into the picture and just totally made it so she rarely talked to me anymore. It wasn't his fault, it was her fault. I guess it was my fault because I never spoke up and voiced my mind. Although I like to take my anger and frustration out on this individual. Oh well. Enough of my random rants at 2:00 AM. They don't mean anything anyways. I just needed to get that out to maybe help ease my mind somewhat.... God Bless you all. I'm going to bed.



Today I left church a little early... I was kind of upset with something my Dad told me this morning and so I decided to drive around and I ended up on the hill by the Bountiful Temple. I end up here sometimes and just find myself in thought or what not. I was listening to the 'Soft Sunday Sounds' on FM100 because I felt guilty listening to my iPod and they had a really good quote from John F. Kennedy. JFK was a man of wisdom and great knowledge. He was always striving for good in his sort term as our President. Sometimes I wonder what more he could have done if his life hadn't come to such a tragic ending, probably much more. Anyways his quote goes as follows; "Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures." This is so cool. This made me realize we're not going to find peace over night; it's a gradual process. Once we do find that peace in our lives how cool is it going to be and how much more will it mean to us now that we have put that time and effort into finding it for ourselves?! Sacrifice pays off peace. It always does. Sacrifice your time and means to find peace. It's always worth it.

So on this Valentines day I hope you're at peace with everyone and everything around you. If not, strive to make yourself be at peace. It pays off and it's 100% worth the effort to find it in your life.


Opening Apologies

So tonight I was watching the opening ceremonies for the 2010 winter olympics. I'm always excited for the olympics and for the people who are lucky enough to show off their talents to the world. The usually extravagant opening ceremonies I felt were sub-par this time around. They found a kid from a circus school in Montreal to fly around on wires for 5 minutes and also what really bothered me is they took a guy who was discovered off Youtube of all places for his slam poetry. I felt like his poem was an apology to the world saying, "sorry world for Canada sucking so bad at everything we do". The title of his poem was "We Are More" We are more than hockey playing, beer drinking, A-Zed, crazy Canadians. I've met my fair share of Canadians and I'll agree with him to a certain extent, but i don't think they are much more. The few Canadians i know make up for the ones I don't know and give the rest of them a bad rep.

I'm excited to see what else Vancouver has in store for these next 16 days in February. I'm always looking forward to watching the fun events of the Olympics. I cannot believe it's already been 8 years since they were here in Salt Lake City. I think it did some good for our city and helped it in many ways. I hope the people of Vancouver and redeem themselves from this less than amazing opening night.


This addiction is worse than my addiction to Cocaine or even Heroine.

Well here is my addiction. Facebook. I don't think I'm alone either. It's pretty ridiculous how dependent we all have become on this website. Personally I check this stupid site about 50 times a day just to be disappointed to see that Taylor has become friends with Jared and that Brandon has become a fan of BYU. Who really cares about that? Not I. Do you care about the things that I am a fan of? Probably not and do I really care? Nope. I don't.

It's nice to keep up with friends that you haven't seen in a while. I have friends that live all over the world and I like to know what they're up to, but not there every single breath and movement. I love seeing pictures of them, but not when they post albums entitled "My TrIp To ThE GrOcErY sToRe 2/10/10". Again, I don't need to know your every action, but at the same time I thrive for it.

It's amazing what kind of slaves we have become to this. I check my friends statuses on my phone, at work, at home, at school and whenever I get a spare moment. I feel like I have to update my status when i get to work, when I clip my fingernails or anything else that is usual or even unusual. I peed in the swimming pool tonight in my class. Don't worry, I let my friends know about it. When I see I new movie, I post my opinion. When I see something funny, my friends can share a laugh; or at least I sure am hoping. There is another thing. When I post something, please comment on it. I think we all feel that sense of awesomeness when we get that one or two comments or someone clicks 'like' on our status. Really isn't that why we post things? To get people's approval or disapproval? Deep down I know we all can answer yes to this question.

I've had many talks with a certain friend about how we are all dragged into Facebook and other social networking things such as Twitter, evening texting, and now I'm getting sucked into Google Buzz. He has taken a 'leave' from Facebook. Gone inactive. He says his social life hasn't suffered any. He doesn't feel like he needs to know every single move of his 109 Facebook friends. He seems to be doing well, I'd even say he's doing better. i strive to be like my friend, but I just can't let go. No matter how bad I try, no matter how ridiculous I tell myself Facebook is; I just cannot let go. It is my addiction, not necessarily a bad addiction, but nonetheless an addiction.

These are my thoughts for the evening. I have thought about these probably for the last month or so and just decided to post them on my 'online journal'. I hope if you're reading this it's made sense and maybe you agree, maybe you don't. Oh well, they're just opinions and I'm entitled to them just as much as you are. I love you and hope the feeling is still mutual

My photo
BTFL, UT, United States
I am Dan. I'm simple minded so please don't confuse me.